Monday, June 22, 2009

A lot harder than I thought....

Okay so this blogging thing is alot easier to just read than to actually post! We have been extremely busy around here at the Johnson household. I ventured off with our youth group for a week of summer camp. I swore that I would never do that again while being pregnant but I did. It was alot of fun and a very challenging week! The girls had a blast visiting with my family and doing everything from riding donkeys with Pop, to going to the park with Cass, to just being spoiled by Nana! They were not ready to come home.

We have been just as busy around here. Our pool went through a stubborn period where everything we tried we could not get it to turn blue. Finally we did the inevitable and had to drain it and refill it. I do not look forward to that water bill. We recently also did some major landscaping in our front yard and it has only lead to me getting up early most mornings to water the plants! I will appreciate them in about a year when I am not 7 months pregnant and standing outside in the humid atmosphere trying to help them survive. I cannot imagine what August is going to be like with the weather already at 100 degrees. I have done this once with Gracie and my poor ankles have never been the same!

VBS is in full swing around here. I am teaching the 2/3 year olds. I know, what was I thinking?!!!!!! I chose this group because so many times people think this age group is only about babysitting them but I am constantly amazed at how much these little ones can remember. Gracie memorized 26 Bible verses this past year in Awana and still knows them. She does so much better than her momma! We go from 5:30 to 8:30 every night. I do not know who was worn out more last night!

Lily is growing and getting bigger (because Mom is getting bigger). I am still trying to decide on what to use in her room. Ella is getting a new makeover in her room and getting a big girl bed. I need some prayers. She loves her sleep but she also loves to get up early some mornings. With the ability to get out of her bed, I might be in trouble. SHe is talking so much more now and loves to give out kisses. Gracie is still our lovable Gracie who loves to be in the crowd talking to people. We are trying to treach her how to swim without floaties. She is getting better. SHe jumped off the diving board the other day and has not stop taking about it.

I will have to post some pictures later since I forgot how to do it. I am so dependent on my husband when it comes to this area of my life!

TO my husband, THank you for being who you are to me and to your children. It is such a blessing to see you with our girls and to see how they love their daddy! You are not only the provider for our family but our protector and our leader. Watching you with our girls brings a smile to my face because of the love that you show them. THey look up to you and value what you tell them. I love the way that you have never backed out of parental duties such as changing dirty diapers, bathing the girls almost every night, and putting the girls to bed. THe many piggy back rides that you have given is far more than we could count. I cherish the fact that you desire to spend time with your girls together and individually. I look forward to the upcoming years of parenting three girls with you! THank you for being am amazing Father who models after his Heavenly Father. You are the best and we love you so much!!!!!